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door to drivers seats

indented steps


The side is defined by three main sections; the door to the driver's area, the full height ladder, and the long side window. In an effort to accentuate the the hexagonal dip into the wheels, the door matches the silhouetted shape of the front portion of the vehicle. With steps below the door, access into the very tall vehicle is easier. The large size of the door provides flexibility for anything else needing to get into that area and matches the extremist nature of the full height ladder. Leading all of the way up the vehicle to open up top access, the ladder opens up a way to access the vehicle in any case of being snowed in or if the back door is blocked. In addition, the ladder separates the front from the back portions of the vehicle, the focused versus the relaxed areas . It's a similar function as walls in a home, or structural beams. Clearly defining separate spaces makes the vehicle's interior feel more intentional, and having those definitions on the exterior makes the overall design more continuous. The window follows the same horizontal axis of the bottom and top of the door frame and the top and bottom lines of the front window. Allowing an immense amount of natural light while simultaneously bringing the striking outside environment inside, the window is a key asset to the vehicle's intentions. 

back seats and storage


dashboard and steering

location of electric engine

drivers and passenger seats

interior steps into driving area

The sections of the vehicle can be seen more clearly with this side sectional drawing.  The empty space beneath the floor level of the vehicle will house components, including a possible electric engine. The large driver and passenger seats can be seen here as well as the additional seating/storage that populates much of the vehicle's surface area. The interior is intentional minimal with an emphasis on space, light, and comfort prioritized over bells and whistles. 

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