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driver and passenger chairs

section divide with window

Perspective_2_Final 2.png

modular seating and storage

back door

additional seating and storage

From the simplistic dashboard, the modern designed chairs or the midsection window, the interior of the Cassie resembles more of a home than a vehicle. Each aspect of the interior was designed to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. In addition, the empty space will make being in the vehicle feel less claustrophobic and, as the natural light floods in, more spacious. In this drawing, you can see the height of the additional seating and storage is about 2-3 feet, comfortable for multiple different functions. And, the midsection window allows there to be a relationship between the front and back sections while also making the most of the many light sources. 

alternate views


side sectional


top sectional

These two sectional drawings are explained more on the respective "Side" and "Top" pages. They both illustrate how spacious the vehicle's interior is while also emphasizing the importance of simple geometric forms in the vehicle's design. 

views of interior from midsection window


Front view


back view

Both drawings here are looking to the front and back respectively, from the midsection wall of the vehicle. That is, if an individual were to look through the window from either the front or the back, this is what they would see. In the "Front View" drawing, an alternate view of the chairs and a more detailed look at the dashboard design. From this perspective, you can also feel how open sitting in the vehicle would be with the large front windshield. Meanwhile, the back is very simply, the height of the furniture consistently low to make the vehicle feel taller.

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