Unit 1: Introduction to the course. Breaking Boundaries
Mark O’Connell, excerpts from Notes for an Apocalypse (2020)
Johan Rockström, Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet (2021 Netflix documentary)
Bill, McKibben, “When Words Fail” (2008). https://orionmagazine.org/article/when-words-fail/
Hannah Arendt, prologue to The Human Condition (1958)
Borges, JL. “"Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” (1961) and discussion of Velazquez La Meninas
Intro material Padlet#1: https://concordacademy.padlet.org/laurence_vanleynseele/apocalypse-whatever-caring-in-the-post-truth-era-8sgshhb0i7zdqq2j
Unit 2: Communication Without Community?
Byung-Chul Han, excerpts from The Disappearance of Rituals
Bo Burnham’s Inside (2021 Netflix Comedy Special)
Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”
James Bridle, excerpts from The New Dark Age: Technology and the End of the Future (2018)
Helen Lewis, “The Internet Loves an Extremophile” (The Atlantic, Jan 2023)
Patricia Lockwood, No One is Talking About This (2021)
David Foster Wallace “This is Water” (2005 Kenyon commencement address )
Puchner, Martin, from the intro to Culture: The Story of Us, From Cave Art to K-Pop (Feb 2023)
"The society of authenticity is a performance society" Padlet: https://concordacademy.padlet.org/laurence_vanleynseele/the-society-of-authenticity-is-a-performance-society-the-dis-3hln5zfvi5vtymjz
Lockwood Padlet: https://concordacademy.padlet.org/laurence_vanleynseele/no-one-is-talking-about-this-uf7rukt95juqno6s
Unit 3: Humans, Nature, Machines, Monsters
Genesis (1-3 + The Flood + Babel)
Shakespeare, The Tempest
Tim Morton excerpts from Ecology Without Nature (2016)
Shakespeare Behind Bars (2006 documentary, https://shakespearebehindbars.org/)
Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
Weil, Elizabeth, “Your are not a Parrot” (March 2023, https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/ai-artificial-intelligence-chatbots-emily-m-bender.html)
Glenberg, Arthur, “It takes a Body to Understand the World” (April 2023 https://medium.com/the-conversation/it-takes-a-body-to-understand-the-world-why-chatgpt-and-other-llms-dont-know-what-they-re-saying-856c114529f6)
H. Holbein, The Ambassadors
F. Nietzsche, excerpt from “On truth and Lying in an Extra-Moral Sense”
Storm and Crisis Padlet: https://concordacademy.padlet.org/laurence_vanleynseele/socratic-conversation-reading-the-tempest-to-think-about-our-lb0aodoscj2lwtef
Unit 4: What Next?
Yoko Tawada Scattered All Over The Earth (2018)
Bruno Latour, excerpts from Down to Earth: Politics in the New Climatic Regime (2018)
Adam Kirsch, excerpts from The Revolt Against Humanity: Imagining a Future Without Us (Jan 2023)
Optional readings to choose from:
Poetry for the Apocalypse (https://www.americanscientist.org/article/poetry-for-the-apocalypse)
Dunlop, Catherine T. “History Unclassified. Losing an Archive: Doing Place-Based History in the Age of the Anthropocene” (2021, recommended by Ed. Rafferty)
“Bodies Tumbled into Bodies” Intro to Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene ed. by Anna Tsing, Heather Swanson, Elaine Gan and Nils Bubandt (2017)
Hua Hsu, “Affect Theory and the New Age of Anxiety” (excerpt). Published March 25, 2019, issue
Claude Monet clips
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights